RALF PETERS If Trump had become an artist or 100 masterpieces Part 2


If Trump had become an artist or 100 masterpieces Part 2, Apr  5 - May 31, 2025

RALF PETERS If Trump had become an artist or 100 masterpieces Part 2
Apr 5 – May 31, 2025

We all played with dolls, teddy bears, cars etc. in childhood. We may have rehearsed and staged role plays with other children and of course adopted all the clichés in the world.

Fun was the motivation and at the same time we were allowed and able to participate indirectly in the adult world.

It wasn't until puberty at the earliest that we reflected on what had actually happened in the children's room, but it was still fun because we could do everything so carefree.

Of course it was the same for me. It wasn't until I was fifteen or sixteen that I realized that my father was a Nazi at heart.

The stories he told seemed like exciting adventures in a foreign country and were actually terrible war events that left only two of his 17 classmates surviving.


Why do wars exist – land gain? Ideology?

Consolidating the power and task of a king, for example?

The Middle Ages can tell endless stories.